Turning 35
It’s my birthday today. Today I turn 35.
For some reason 35 seems so much older than 34. Although it’s only a year. Perhaps it’s because it moves me from earlier 30s and moving me closer to late 30s and the age with a 4 in it.
I’m not one of these people to be funny about birthdays or getting older. In fact, my family love birthdays and we like to celebrate them. Presents and cake and something special to do on the day are all musts, where possible.
My 30s (so far) have been a fab decade for me. I’ve become a Mum (twice), I’ve completely change life and career focus. But I feel like I have become more settled in my own skin with who I am as a person.
As I move towards my erm 40s I am trying to focus on my well-being, lose weight and become healthier. I hope to reach my goal weight this year and then more importantly maintain it!
I also am trying to carve out my own sense of style. I got my nose pierced for example of couple of years ago, and I am so glad I did it, I love it! I reguarly have my hair pink dip-dyed, because life is too short to grow up. As I lose weight I want to claim back more of the sense of style I’ve always had. Hell I want to wear short dungarees when my legs are skinny enough, bright printed leggings and actually just shorts which look horrendous on me at the moment. Oh also funky tights under shorts in the autumn and bold print trousers. And lots and lots of dresses (my favourite wardrobe piece).
I also think I have got happier and more content as I have got older. By the time you hit your *ahem* mid 30s, most people have been through some hard times in their life. I think the hard times make you stronger and more pragmatic. Although it might not feel like it at the time. I now understand what is truly important in my life. Who my friends really are and a lot of trivial things I used to worry about seem insignificant, particularly now that I have children.
So, as I turn 35, I am reflecting on what makes me happy. How lucky and blessed I am for my family which as I turned 30 I wasn’t even sure I was going to be able to have, and most of all I am going to enjoy being me and the realisation that often it is the little things that make life truly special.

Happy Birthday, Laura!!!
I hope you have a fantastic birthday where lots of lovely memories are made.
And I’m sure you’ll hit your target this year. 🙂 x
Thank you so much Rebecca 🙂 what a lovely comment x
Yay a fellow 1980-er!! I turned 35 back in January and can definitely agree with your feelings of contentedness…I feel probably happier than I’ve ever been so am very much looking forward to seeing where the next 5 years go. Happy Birthday X
Thank you 🙂 1980 was obviously a good year! I am definitely becoming more happy with who I am. Lovely to hear you are too x
Happy birthday! I turned 36 earlier this month and also found that my 30s were when I started to feel more settled in my own skin too. How lovely to stop and reflect on the little things that make you happy. Hope you had a wonderful day celebrating your birthday 🙂
Thank you Louise 🙂 I think in your 30s you have a greater understanding of what makes you happy.
Happy Birthday Laura! Hope you’ve had a fantastic day and that all your hopes and dreams come true this year! x
Thank you Natasha me too 🙂 xxx
Happy Birthday Laura!! I turned 36 a few months ago, and that felt like a big one – it’s the down slide to 40 now lol But I totally agree with you, 30’s is a great decade – more comfortable in my skin too, and it’s great to be a mommy to three great kiddies. I’m so glad you had a great day xx
Thanks Becky. A lot of people seem happier in their skin in their 30s I think we have more confidence and understanding about what makes us happy.
Happy Birthday. What a fab post. You have some great plans there. I love the pink hair tips. 🙂 I hoped you enjoyed every moment. Angela x
Thank you Angela, you should definitely give pink hair a go 🙂
Happy belated birthday! i hope it was a good one! I am turning 35 in July (eeek) i am not certain i am looking forward to being 35 – it’s that tipping balance between being early 30’s to late 30’s. I like to play around with my hair colours and i am trying to reinvent my style of clothing, i am in a battle to loose the baggy jumpers and jeans that i wear every day that i am not working xx
Happy birthday for July – yes it does seem like quite a tipping age doesn’t it. Good luck on reinventing your sense of style I do love clothes, so it is fun when you get into it
I was the same in my 30’s, but honestly I think I have found myself finally in my 40’s. I am very content with who I have become 🙂 Happy birthday Laura and it only gets better! 🙂 Thank you so much for being a big supporter of #wineandboobs and when your linky goes up again I am there and will support you 🙂
It’s funny how different ages affect us isn’t it? I do think getting older does make you feel more comfortable in your own skin. I look forward to you linking to #lovelythings next month and I love #wineandboobs just for the title alone!