I was tagged my Lisa from Lisa’s Life about a month ago to do this post, so sorry it’s taken me so long Lisa!
If I could live anywhere:
There are all sorts of places I could put here, but while there are some amazing places to live, I like being close to family and friends they make life what it is. We are contemplating moving at the moment and to be honest I think we will stay in the area we currently live in. If teleportation existed and we could go to see friends and family in a blink of an eye it would probably be a different story. It’s hard as none of our family live that close by, but we do have a good circle of friends for both us and our children and I genuinely like where we live.
If I could have any home:
It would be bigger 4 or 5 bedrooms, a beautiful and huge kitchen diner, a study, a library (a girl can dream right?), playroom, a walk in wardrobe and en-suite, conservatory, garage and drive and a good size garden. All decorated beautifully naturally…
If I could have any garden:
I’m not very green fingered, actually I would call myself black fingered really. So I would have a garden that was easy to maintain, a swing set and slide for the children and a fenced off area with a (heated pool) that would be awesome.
If I could be on holiday right now:
I would probably go back to Canada, we had such an awesome holiday there when I was pregnant with Logan. I loved the country and really hope to go back again one day.
If I could have any job:
Hmm I think I would be a writer, I have always dreamed of writing a novel. I love writing – hence the blog. But to make a living out of writing would be pretty fab.
If I could have any talent:
I am very lucky in that I can sing and am classically trained. But I would just like to be better at music in general, I can read music, but I’m dreadful at sight reading and I would love to be able to play the piano too at the moment I just know where the notes are really for tuning.
If I could live any day again:
This is such a hard, hard one. I think that it might have to be my wedding day, it was such an amazing day but over in such a blur. I would like to go back and really savour the experience.
If I could have any superpower:
Oooh I used to love Buffy the Vampire Slayer, actually I still do and of course we share the same surname – Summers. So I would have Buffy’s super powers !
I tag Trista from Domesticated Momster, Rachel from Parenthood Highs and Lows and Angela from Days in Bed if you would like to join in.
Nice reading all about you and knowing that we share a few similarities except I can’t sing. I do think my kids wish I could sing better too. I’m sure they fall asleep fast when they were younger so that they don’t have to listen to my awful renditions. I love Buffy too! I used to watch the shows all the time. #TheList
Buffy is such an awesome show
and lol on your children I bet you’re not that bad ha ha x
It’s lovely to day dream isn’t it?! I’m a bit behind on some tagged posts too…you just reminded me I meant to go back and get some done…’If I could only have more time’…x Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub Laura! x
Yes time I could do with some more of that too and sleep thanks for stopping by
Aah, it’s so nice to dream about these things sometimes! Your dream house sounds perfect. I’d love a big kitchen-diner, and a library, how amazing would that be?! I would definitely need a cleaner though if I had a house like that! #coolmumclub
Ha ha yes I should have put a cleaner requirement in there shouldn’t I? It is so nice to dream…
Canada’s a great choice; I haven’t seen much of it but Banff and Jasper were stunning. Thank you for joining in!
Banff was actually where we went and I loved it, thanks for the tag Lisa
I love learning more about you, how cool. I agree, I would like to move, but only if I could take everyone I love with me. My disease likes it really hot and really cold, so I would like to find somewhere inbetween. With water, and a beach where I could hear the waves break on the shore. Ah…Anyway, I love that you sing, what a lovely talent to have! And I agree, I love a gorgeous garden, but love easy to take care of, so a pool could take up a large part of the garden! Great idea!
A pool would be so lovely wouldn’t it? I find going to the public pool such a faff, but I do love swimming, I think if I had my own pool I would swim regularly *day dreams*
I love these posts, it’s such a nice way to get to know someone.
Dreaming is always fun too. #KCACOLS
I love a good day dream my husband and I like to play the if we won the lottery game too
I would love to have a big house too with 4 or 5 bedrooms. That will be amazing! I wouldn’t like to relocate any where. I have done that so many times in my life that now I would like to settled. When we move it would have to be near where we are at the moment. What a nice talent is to be able to sing. That is so cool!! I would also choose my wedding day. It was all so crazy and quick that day that I couldn’t enjoyed properly. I hope you do write your novel. It would be amazing!! I’ll buy it!
It is nice to know even more about you. Thanks so much for linking up with me with me at #KCACOLS!! Hope to see you again on Sunday!
Yay someone who would buy my novel that’s one customer
thank you so much for hosting your fab new linky Franca xx
I love this post. Like you if we ever moved – which we won’t – it would be to the same area. We’re looking to extend our house next year and I’d love to gain a bedroom and have a big open plan kitchen/diner. I would love to visit Canada too x
Oh I cannot wait to see what your house looks like after the extension it always looks so fabulous in your pictures