Ten Fab Horror Books for Halloween

Ten Fab Horror Books for Halloween

In my teens I went through a big horror book phase, anyone remember the Point Horror books? I devoured them. While my tastes now run to more romance and paranormal fare, I do love a good horror and I’m a huge vampire fan. Also, everyone knows the book is always better than the film and in the case of horror books that is definitely true. I have actually avoided watching the Will Smith version of I Am Legend because I heard the ending had been changed.

In no particular order, here are ten horror books I have loved.

  • Carrie by Steven King – The classic teen horror movie is even better in book format and everyone knows King is the master of horror.
  • The Rats by James Herbert – If King is the master of horror, then Herbert is of British horror, you’ll never think of rats the same again.
  • Dracula by Bram Stoker (this one is free on Kindle) – The vampire classic, deliciously, sexy and dark.
  • Frankenstein by Mary Shelley – A Sad, but dark and gothic tale. Who is the real monster, the monster or the man who created him?
  • I am Legend by Richard Matheson – Forget The Walking Dead, while I Am Legend is technically a vampire novel, it reads more like a zombie one, what would you do if you were the last surviving human on earth?
  • Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham – Killer plants? Check. Blind population? Check. Could crazy, killer plants bring about the end of the human race?
  • The Prowlers Series by Christopher Golden – This is a 4 book series and is probably aimed at the young adult market, but I really enjoyed it. These aren’t werewolves, they’re prowlers…
  • Jaws by Peter Benchley – Who can think of this book without getting the film’s theme tune in their heads? Trust me the book is better than the film and that’s saying something!
  • Jurassic Park by Michael Chrichton – If you, like me LOVE the film you really, really have to read the book. There are so many scenes cut of the film and you miss so much. You won’t regret it.
  • Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K Hamilton – This is one the straddles the urban fantasy genre, and the more recent books in the series have changed tack and are not half as good, but the first few books in the world of zombie raising, vampire hunter Anita are awesome.

What horror books are your favourites?

Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday

6 thoughts on “Ten Fab Horror Books for Halloween”

  1. These are great recommendations, they’re all on my must-read list now! It’s not exactly a horror book but there is definitely a horror theme – World War Z by Max Brookes! The book is SO much better than the film! Great post! #KCACOLS

    • Thank you 🙂 Do you know my husband said to me a little while ago I need to read World War Z, with both recommendations I guess I better had! Do let me know if you read any and what you think.

  2. I never realised that I am legend was a book! Love that film! I haven’t read any of these books although I would love to read Jaws! I have never thought to read Jurassic Park as I thought it may be a bit long and drawn out but Ill look out for it now. One I will give a miss is The Rats! Eeek it sounds awful!!

    Gemma xx

    • They changed the ending in I Am Legend 🙁 yes the book is fab. Oh Jurassic Park is actually really good as a book much more back story and some great action scenes the film couldn’t fit in, you should read it 🙂

  3. I’m not a fan of horror books so I haven’t read any of those books. I always use to choose romance over any other subject!! I do love vampires though but they have to have a romantic side too like Twilight!! I’m such a kid!! haha I can’t believe you have read 10 horror books!! I don’t even like horror movies but unfortunately my husband sometimes made me watch them. I get too scared!! Thanks so much for joining me at #KCACOLS. I love having you here!! I hope you can join me again next Sunday!! 🙂 xx

    • Funnily while I like horror books I am not much of a fan of horror films and my favourite genre is in fact a romance – Twilight is fab 😉
      I will ain to link up next week too Franca x


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