Lovely Things
Welcome to December’s Lovely Things, where we celebrate lovely things we have done, experienced or bought in the month before. I have to admit, it’s slightly tricky writing about my Lovely Things right now as my cat is very poorly and we’re not sure he’s going to make it 🙁 . But, that makes my first lovely thing, pet insurance, I am so glad we have that and can get him the treatment that he needs. Anyway, I did luckily start writing this before our cat feel ill, and I do still enjoy looking back at the things that have made me smile or that I’m grateful each month. So here is this month’s, and I hope that I can tell you in next month’s update that he is well again.
Getting Ready for Christmas
I tend to think of myself as a reasonably organised person – although not as much so now I have two children. So I always like to start my Christmas shopping way before December itself actually arrives. November has been all about Christmas preparation for me. Starting my Christmas shopping – most of it online this year. I love buying presents easily as much as receiving them, so I love browsing and choosing and trying to find that one thing I think someone will love. This is even more so now that we have children. I have to watch myself or I would spend far too much on them as I love getting them gifts. As it is I have already gone over budget! But I just can’t wait to see their faces on Christmas morning.
Friday Days Out
When I registered my son for pre-school I deliberately decided not to send him on a Friday. The reason being I wanted a day where we could do nice things and have days out if we wanted to. To maximise the time before he started school. I actually wish we could do this still when he starts school next September as I love our Fridays.
In the summer we often use this day to visit Legoland with our season annual pass. But obviously they’re closed at the moment. In November, we went to Wisley, National Trust with a friend and played at making dens. And we have also been really enjoying doing a tour of local garden centres and enjoying all of the different festivities they have on. Our local Wyevale also has a soft play, and as I rather hate soft play, this is quite a good compromise. I can sit with Aria in the cafe with a cup of tea, watching Logan through the glass and he can run around having fun. A lot of local garden centres also have some fab Christmas displays, including real life reindeer which makes a wonderful treat for the children.
Gorgeous Gifts
The first weekend of November saw my husband return from a fortnight in the States with his new job. It was the longest he has ever been away from us all and is going to take a little getting used to. He is home one until the new year, which is lovely. But he also returned with some truly wonderful gifts. I asked him to pick me up some Bare Minerals make up while he was out there as it’s cheaper, and he came back with beautiful special edition pot. How pretty?
Then, being a super awesome husband he made a trip to the store with the little blue boxes. I don’t think there is a woman who doesn’t like the store with the box blue boxes and I was so chuffed with my infinity ring.
Handbag Happiness
I have now decided to include a handbag is ever month’s Lovely Things, because well I love bags and want to share them with you 🙂 . So this will either be a bag I have reviewed, a bag I have bought, or maybe a favourite from my collection.
This month, I had to share with you my fabulous, fabulous new Christmas bag. Can you believe I didn’t have a Christmas bag before last week? This is a serious over sight! So I was delighted to get this one in the Yoshi Black Friday sale for half price. How awesome is this?
That was my lovely things from November – what are yours?
The Rules
The first Monday of every month I will host the Linky, all you need to do to join is:
– Write about something lovely, be it a new purchase, a favourite item you’ve had forever but want to share, a great book, home decorating, maybe a lovely experience like a beauty treatment or coffee with a friend, new shoes, make-up, handbag, whatever it is as long as it’s lovely I want to know about it! 🙂
– This Linky is open to every type of blogger no matter what your chosen blogging subject.
– Grab the Lovely Things badge and pop it in your post
– Use the #lovelythings hashtag on Twitter and Instagram
– Comment on the host’s post
– Share the love – try and read & comment on 3 other blogs listed on the Linky
– Tweet me (@laurasummers) with your Link up and & I will retweet it to my followers
– The linky will remain open for two weeks
Grab the Badge

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OOoh special edition Bare Minerals?! I am so jealous! My absolute favourite make-up line. I bet that and the beautiful ring helped make up for your husband being away for so long! Does this mean he has to get something that gorgeous every time he goes away now?! I’m with you on soft play – one of my least favourite activities! Ugh x
Ha ha he did make sure to say I wouldn’t be getting this every time and yes Bare Minerals are my favourite too 🙂
Thanks for hosting Laura! Love your linky, as you already know. Hope you will be continuing it into 2016?
I’m totally lusting after the bare minerals special edition case! And the Tiffany ring, wow, the boy did good 😉
Have a fabulous Christmas, hope Santa brings you lots of Lovely things, and a good nights sleep too 😉
I will definitely be continuing it in 2016 don’t worry 🙂
Sleep for Christmas would be awesome – I hope you get some too and have a great time with your family x
What a great hubby you have Laura bringing you back such a gorgeous ring in a little blue bag! They are the most exciting boxes to receive! Your new Christmas bag is fab. Thanks so much for hosting xx
Thanks Becky, yes he did good didn’t he bless him 🙂 thanks for linking up x
Ahhh I also have fridays with my little man and I love it. It’s the one day of the week I have off so we get to have some one-on-one time whilst E is at school. I am really trying to cherish these days because come next September he will be at pre-school 5 mornings a week!
Your husband must have racked up lots of brownie points for the gorgeous Tiffany ring!
I also feel I’m behing on Christmas prep – hoping to catch up a bit this week though…
Thanks for hosting! xx
Mega brownie points lol! Oh I am so glad you have Fridays together too, I just love them and don’t want them to end, I think his school might notice though when he starts…
I can’t get over how adorable all of your children are. So sweet!
Thank you Cara, what a lovely thing to say xxxx
Oh how sweet your husband is… so nice of him bringing you lovely things, wives always deserve nice things, aren’t we? I love the thought of Fridays Day out, I wish I could do the same with the kids, however I work mon-fri so no chance for that. #lovelythings
Aww sorry that you don’t have Fridays, but I am sure you make up for the time at the weekends. I was very touched with my present from my hubby x
That Bare Minerals pot is gorgeous! And that ring – he’s definitely a keeper! 😉
That’s such a nice idea about keeping Friday as a day to spend time together and do fun things. x
Ha ha yes he is definitely a keeper! And thank you yes I do love our fridays 🙂
What a lovely husband you have! Such gorgeous gifts! I also keep Friday’s for time with my daughter as its my only day off work and I just love our Friday’s together x
Aww glad you get to experience fridays together too 🙂 and I was very chuffed with my gorgeous gifts x
I love the infinity ring, absolutely gorgeous and such a lovely sentiment too. The pictures of your little ones are beautiful too. Lovely to have found your linky!
Thank you for linking up Jen, I hope to see you again next month. Yes I agree the sentiment behind the ring is lovely too and thank you for your comments about my children 🙂 xx
I can completely relate to you mentioning about Fridays as that is what I do with Monkey. I will be sad when it stops in Sept too. Its so nice to have that day a week together. We love Wisley and often visit, they have so much on for kids to do most of the year round. Sorry my comments have taken so long this month!! Happy New Year xx