Lovely Things
Happy New Year everyone and thanks so much to everyone who continues to link up each month. December is an awesome month, I adore Christmas so I knew there would be lots of things to write about for this January’s Lovely Things. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you all a wonderful and lovely 2016, I also look forward to reading about your lovely things from the past month.
Meet Scout
I wrote in last month’s Lovely Things that unfortunately my cat was poorly and sadly he didn’t make it. You can read more about it in Goodbye Farley Cat – You Will Be Missed. We were all so very sad to lose him. After some deliberation, at first we started being very sensible about the whole thing and wait and then decided that the house just felt wrong without a cat. The plan was to wait until after Christmas, and then as we are pet lovers and know that a pet would never just be for Christmas in our house, and everyone was just so sad we decided to just get one.
So introducing Scout, we have had him for nearly three weeks and he’s just coming up on 16 weeks. We originally enquired about a female tabby, but after discussing it with the breeder, decided she would be too timid for our crazy house of two small children and large Rhodesian Ridgeback. He has fitted in really well. He’s got plenty of spunk, which is what we needed in a cat. He’s already made friends with Logan and our dog Florence. I’m particularly pleased that there seems to be a bond growing with Logan, as he adored our old cat so much and the feeling was mutual.
Christmas is one of my absolute favourite times of the year. It may sound cliche but I genuinely love giving as much as receiving. Choosing the perfect present in order to watch the person’s face when they open it. This year my son is 4, and really getting into the magic and excitement of Christmas. We have some wonderful memories. Our trips to see Santa, baking together, going to a carol service, putting out mince pies and carrots on Christmas Eve, we introduced a Christmas Eve box this year and it was a great success. But nothing beats seeing their faces on Christmas morning. Them running into the front room with gasps and excitement and the deluge of ripped paper.
I was a lucky bunny too and got some great presents, and took part in a really fun Secret Santa with a blogger group I am part of. I will be sharing some of my stationery goodies in a post later in the month.
Overall, the Christmas holidays have just been so lovely. With the exception of Aria having hand, foot and mouth I have just loved having simple family time together. Cosy films, trips to the park, visiting family, cuddles in bed. Sometimes it really is the small things isn’t it?
Handbag Happiness
It wouldn’t be a Lovely Things without a handbag now would it? And this month I have two gorgeous ones to share with you. First is this beautiful bag from What Daisy Did which I reviewed earlier in the month. Such fun colours and beautiful leather.
The second is the amazing Christmas present my husband bought me. If you’re a regular reader, you may remember by December Handbag of the Month which was the Anthony Mulberry satchel. Well you’ll never guess what my husband went and did? He only went and bought it for me!
I was so taken aback and I am currently refusing to wear it on rainy days in case it gets damaged. 😉 .
That was my lovely things from December – what are yours?
The Rules
The first Monday of every month I will host the Linky, all you need to do to join is:
– Write about something lovely, be it a new purchase, a favourite item you’ve had forever but want to share, a great book, home decorating, maybe a lovely experience like a beauty treatment or coffee with a friend, new shoes, make-up, handbag, whatever it is as long as it’s lovely I want to know about it! 🙂
– This Linky is open to every type of blogger no matter what your chosen blogging subject.
– Grab the Lovely Things badge and pop it in your post
– Use the #lovelythings hashtag on Twitter and Instagram
– Comment on the host’s post
– Share the love – try and read & comment on 3 other blogs listed on the Linky
– Tweet me (@laurasummers) with your Link up and & I will retweet it to my followers
– The linky will remain open for two weeks
Grab the Badge

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Oh poor Aria, hand foot & mouth is going around here too & it’s an awful dose! Scout is so adorable, I’m glad you picked a kitten who will enjoy your busy house, that was a great decision. I’m the same as you, I have a genuine love of Christmas. I love shopping for people & giving gifts, it’s such a lovely time of year. Thanks so much for hosting, Laura x
Thanks Becky, no bless her she really wasn’t great over Christmas. Rubbish timing but we still managed to have a good time 🙂 And thank you Scout seems to be fitting in really well x
Glad you had such a great Christmas with your family! Love your new purses! 🙂
Thanks Cara – you can never have too many handbags (purses) 😉
Scout looks adorable, my kids love cats too, but I don’t know if I can cope with an additional pet to look after. Sounds like you all had a fab time at Christmas, and the bags looks gorgeous. Have a lovely 2016 too! #lovelythings
Thanks Cheryl, actually the kitten has been pretty easy to look after. We got a puppy when my son was 9 months and that was hard work! x
Your poor little dot I’m sure Christmas perked her up, we’ve had an outbreak in our area too. Other than that it sounds like a fab Christmas my son loves his scout and we’re cat lovers here too, so sweet! X
Yes hand, foot and mouth is miserable isn’t it? And kittens are great fun aren’t they? I love watching the bond grow with the children I think pets are good for children x
Scout is a lovely looking cat. I love the bags you have and Christmas looks fab. We also got new mugs this Christmas 🙂 Thanks for hosting. Angela
Got to have a Christmas mug! 🙂 We had a great Christmas thank you Angela and I hope that you did too x
Awww Scout is very cute!! I bet he has settled in really well now! Christmas when you have young children is one of the best things ever isn’t it? Happy New Year to you and your family Laura xx #lovelythings
Yes Christmas with children truly is awesome – I love seeing the magic through their eyes.
Oh Scout is such a gorgeous cat!!! I’m so glad to read that Logan is building a new bond with him!! It is so lovely to see our kids bonding with our pets. My eldest daughter Bella is the same with my cat Kiyan. She adores him. Christmas always have to be within the 5 favourites for December. I’m so sorry to read that Aria had hand, foot and mouth. How annoying is that!! 🙁 Of course how you are not going to include the best present ever from your hubby!! A Mulberry!! What a lucky girl!! It looks amazing!! I love the colour too!! Happy New Year lovely! 🙂 xx
I know a Mulberry I was so taken aback and I love it! Yes I love watching the children play and bond with our pets I think it is so good for them to learn about looking after and caring for an animal
I am SOOOOOOO jealous of that Mulberry bag. It’s beautiful. Can I just come and stroke it please? Sorry to hear about Farley, but Scout is a little cutie. #Lovelythings
Ha ha yes Rachel you can come over and stroke it 😉 and thank you on Farley, we miss him but Scout is helping with the gap.
I love seeing everyone’s pictures of their new kitties they have recently gotten. I wish that we could have one but our german shepard would have it for breakfast. Love the hand bags…I can only imagine your collection. Thank you for hostessing #lovelythings! ????Trista, Domesticated Momster
Ha ha we have a rather large dog too – a Rhodesian Ridgeback but she has been pretty good with the kitten- although we didn’t leave them unattended at first. And erm yes my handbag collection is rather erm extensive I may even have to sell a few shock horror!
Sorry to hear about your cat lovely, but Scout is just gorgeous and I’m glad he’s bringing a bit of happiness to you all after a hard time.
Thanks for hosting, I’ll pop back to comment soon, really need to get to my bed now as the school mornings have taken their toll 😉
Stevie xx #LovelyThings
Yes getting back to school mornings have been hard work haven’t they?! Thank you, Scout has definitely helped fill the gap, although we do still miss Farley. Thanks for linking up x