Monthly Review new

I didn’t manage to do a monthly review in April, life just ran away with me. With moving house, both of my children having the chicken pox and family birthdays it’s all been rather busy here. Although most of it in a good way, chicken pox withstanding. So here is a little update on what has been going on on the blog this last couple of months.

Top Posts

Top Things That Have Made Me Happy

  • I really feel like I have got a better balance between paid and personal posts on my blog, and this is making me feel happy.
  • I have a really good month commercially on my blog, so as well as feeling like I have a better balance between paid and personal posts I have also made a good, modest income too.
  • Last month I dropped significantly in the Tots100 to #179, I’m not sure why really, as my stats are very similar. But I was delighted this month to go back up to #37.
  • Finally reached 3k on Instagram.
  • My third and fourth round-up for BritMums as Book Editor is now live: New books for spring, Star Wars and mum hacks, Summer, classic, kindness and diversity.
  • I have also updated most of the informational pages on my blog, although I still have a bit of tweaking to do.
  • My DA has started going up again and has gone from 33 to 35.
  • In terms of stats, I have seen the following growth:
    • My Facebook has grown from 1630 to 1675 (+45)
    • Twitter from 10.25k to 10.5k on Twitter (+250).
    • On Instagram I have gone from 2850 to 3050 (+200)
  • I have worked with the following brands: Hallmark cards, Alive! Vitamins, Simply Be, Pen Heaven, Voucher Slug, JCB Kids, Character World, DH Gate Fidget Spinners.

Things To Focus on in June

I’m actually going on holiday in June, so I think what I really aim to achieve is to keep content ticking over on the blog and scheduled during the whole period I am away as my main goal.

Here are my goals for this month.

  • Keep the blog running while I am holiday and schedule content to cover my absence.
  • Organise guest posts to help with the above.
  • Grow my social media stats with at least 250 on Instagram and Twitter.
  • Have a lovely holiday!

How about you, how was your May and what are your blogging plans? xxx

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