Lovely Gratitude – April 2019 Gratitude Challenge
Welcome back to my gratitude challenge. Now it’s time for my fourth challenge of the year. So far I have written 100 things that I am grateful for and attempted to go 24 hours without complaining. Last month I shared a photo each week for something I was grateful for in my life, you can see how I did on that one below.
If you’re new to the challenge, but still want to join in there’s still still, please come and join in and embrace the gratitude! To take part, just join in it’s a simple as that. You can start from the beginning if you would like or start from this month. If you want to share with me how it’s going I have a hashtag to use on social media #LovelyGratitude2019.
March’s Gratitude Challenge
After the tricky challenge of 24 hours of no complaining in February. I really enjoyed March’s challenge. The challenge was to share a picture of something I was grateful for every week of the month. I didn’t plan it really, I just kind of went with it each week, so I guess the posts were a bit random
Week 1
My new car.
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Week 2
New trainers.
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Week 3
A weekend with my children.
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Week 4
Mother’s Day and how thoughtful my family have been.
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April’s Gratitude Challenge
So now onwards to April’s gratitude challenge. April is about finding gratitude for yourself. So often it’s easy to be negative about ourselves, to feel we’re not achieving what we want to achieve, to fall to the bottom of the pile with all of the demands of life. I’ve been guilty on many occasions of picking apart my appearance in the mirror, thinking I’m a terrible mother or getting frustrated as I wanted to be better at something. Or the very unhelpful thing of comparing yourself to others. But actually everyone has something they’re good at, that’s amazing about them. It’s just about finding the self confidence to believe it.
So for April the challenge is to find gratitude for yourself. For each day of April find something you are grateful for about yourself. You don’t have to share this, I appreciate it might be a very private thing. Maybe it’s something you say to yourself in the mirror each morning or evening, maybe it’s something you write about in a journal, feel free to share in a blog post or social media if you want to. But if you don’t want to that’s fine, it’s more about self confidence and self love. Each day take a moment to pause and think I have done this well today, or do you know what those stretch marks they’re ok as they gave me my amazing child(ren), I’m a good friend, a good mother, I learnt a great lesson there and I am proud of myself. Whatever works but spend a month finding things about you that like like and appreciate.
As always, I would love to hear how you are getting on. Also please do check my Instagram stories as I do keep you updated as to how I’m doing on there. Please do let me know on my Facebook page, or Twitter or Instagram, whichever works for you.
I haven’t managed to record a video this month, but I will try and add one in later in the week.
The next challenge goes live on the 6th May, hopefully see you there!