The observant of you may have realised that I gave my blog a very small design update last week. It is small, a change of a graphic on the main banner and a new side category. But to me at least, they are important.
The design replaces the milkshake that was on my banner which was a nod to when I was on the Cambridge Diet, which I am no longer doing. And, is replaced with a symbol for women and feminism, representing the work I am doing on gender equality. I have also introduced a new Feminism category. The design updates were completed by the fab Ellie Illustrates who has done all of the illustrations for my blog.
When you start blogging everyone talks about niche and to be honest with you I am still not really sure what mine is. It started really as I just wanted to share my family journey and because I have always loved to write. Like all things it have very much evolved since then.
I’ve always classed myself as a feminist. I believe in women’s issues and our fundamental right to equality. I started writing a few issues I was passionate about – women being forced to wear high heels to work for example and how sexism is still depressingly rife for mothers. But this year my eyes were truly opened to what the real story was when the government asked me to take part in a forum on gender equality at Westminster.

I’d already heard the stories from friends and experienced it myself too, but the stark numbers and reality of it all really came home to me back in March. It made me decide that I wanted to write about, share about and campaign on these issues even more. To fight for equality, but also to make people understand why it is important as well. It’s not just women banging on or man hating, which terrible cliches would have you believe. It’s about poverty, being able to raise a healthy and happy next generation, and getting rid of years old misogyny.
As a consequence and after pledging at the gender equality roadmap that I would do my part, I will be writing more on feminism on my blog. Because I am passionate about it and because things need to change. So I decided to tweak my design to reflect this. I hope you like it.