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Since the start of the global pandemic in 2020, the majority of people around the world have started working remotely, from the comfort of their own homes. This means that people across the globe are tuning into work from their kitchens, bedrooms and home offices.
With all of this in mind, it is more important than ever to separate our work lives from our home lives, whilst juggling the day to day tasks that we spot around the home. So, whether you’re enjoying this new work from home experience, or you’re itching to get back to the office, it is important to switch your brain off from work and walk away from your desk. Similarly, it is important to keep your brain in the game when you’re working from home, without spotting that dustball that needs hoovering or throwing on the latest round of washing.
Read on to find out how best to relax when you are working from home, and how to stop yourself from getting drawn back into work; even after hours.
Dress for the office, even at home
This one might seem a bit left-field, but trust me when I say that dressing for the task you’re intending on doing can really help you to switch off at the end of the day. This is because our clothes can really help to frame our mindset. For example, if you are lounging around on the sofa in your favourite pyjamas and fluffy socks, your mind and body are prepared to relax. However, if you dress for the office, your brain will automatically associate this with being awake and active at work.
So, whilst it is tempting to stay in bed in your favourite comfy clothes, it is sensible to still get dressed like normal.
When the end of the working day comes along, you can throw on an oversized hoodie and comfy bed socks to switch your brain from work to relaxation mode.
Get your steps in!
No matter what you think of it, it’s undeniable that exercise is great for both your physical and mental health. There is also no correct way to exercise. If you find any form of exercise that you enjoy, embrace it!
Exercising, no matter what it is, increases the natural endorphins in your body. When these endorphins are pumping around your body, you feel much better. This is because endorphins are ‘feel-good’ chemicals. If you find it difficult to get into an exercise routine, visit our article exploring how to overcome a fear of exercising.
Taking up exercise doesn’t mean you need to run for hours or wake up at 5am to get to the gym. Instead, why not try going for a leisurely walk after work? The average person burns around 415 calories by walking for an hour. Plus, exercise is a great way to boost those ‘feel-good’ chemicals to help you relax after a long day in your home office.
Find a new podcast
If you live alone and work from home, it can be really difficult to switch off after a long day in your home office! This is particularly true if you have no one else to talk to.
This is where podcasts come in. They’ve recently boomed in popularity, thanks to the accessibility of Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google and Amazon. As a result, they are a great way to engage your brain after a long day of having no one to interact with at home.
If you want to learn more about the history of the world, try ‘You’re Dead to Me’, or if you’re looking to inject some magic into your day, try a podcast dedicated to Disney. Whatever the genre, a podcast will help your brain to disengage from work and prepare for the evening.
Plus, after spending all day at a computer – do you really want to be sat staring at a screen whilst you Netflix and Chill?
Take up a virtual hobby
Research has shown that those of us who take part in regular social activities tend to have a much higher quality of life. This means that it is critical to find a regular social activity, including virtual hobbies.
Book lover and avid reader? Why not join a book club. Interested in local history? Hunt out your historical society!
Having regular catch-ups with people local to you with help to give you the boost you need. Plus, it gives you a much-needed reason to clock off on time to get to your club. This will help to boost your work-life balance!
Struggling to balance your life and work, even more than usual whilst you’re working from home? Why not try and include some of our top 4 ways to relax when working from home into your routine.