This is a post I like to write every year, it helps to remind me how far I have come and what I have achieved and I also I like to have some goals to work towards. So here is a mini reflection and goal setting post for the year.
My 2021 Achievements
2021 brought with it lots of surprises. Schools were closed until March, and I found lockdown 3 the hardest lockdown to get through mentally. The weather was bleak, it was cold and it felt neverending. I completed my coaching which was honestly game-changing and I loved it so much and was sad when the 12-week course came to an end. I felt like 2021 was the year of learning more about myself and who I am and shifting my priorities a little. I made a serious commitment to writing my book because that is such a huge life goal for me. In September and October I, unfortunately, ended up really injuring my back, which has left me in a lot of pain daily and having to walk with a stick. It’s treatable, and I am currently waiting on my appointment with a spinal surgeon, but it has massively affected my life for the moment. The combination of factors meant that I needed to work less and smarter in order to balance all the demands on my time.
Here are some of the things I am proud of for 2021:
- Kept my business running, despite the global pandemic and while homeschooling my children
- Facebook grown from 2500 to 2572 (+72)
- Instagram grown from 5880 to 6776 (+896)
- Twitter remained the same at 15,400
- My social media growth was more modest, but particularly on Instagram I have worked hard on improving and being creative with my content and I am in the process of trying to work out exactly what my niche is
- Started doing Instagram reels which seem to be going really well, I was really nervous of doing them, but I actually really enjoy them now and love coming up with creative ideas
- Completed my 12-week coaching course, as I said above it really was amazing
- Finally committed to writing my book, I wanted to finish it by the end of the year, I’m very nearly there are 120k words, but not quite. But it’s still a massive achievement. This is a huge goal for me and I really want to work to get published
- Attended Blogon, it was so good to get back to a conference
- Carrying on to learn and grow things in the garden
- Grown my email database by 300, I’m pleased with this and what to do this more this year
- Did two Rebel Fit missions, and hope to be able to get back to my fitness journey again when my back is better
- Despite the difficult times, I took part in some great campaigns. Mainly from Hello Fresh, Boots, I love the Instagram Reel we did for Bracknell Fostering and Smiggle, then there were also the Stage Coach and Wicked Uncle campaigns.
- Took Aria to her very first West End show
- Read 41 books
- Our family holiday to Wales
2021 Goals
It’s hard to set goals a bit when I do not know what is going to happen with my back. Whether injections will sort it or if I might need surgery. But I love setting goals and having things to work towards, so I will set them and revise as needed. Bo starts school in September which will also give me a lot more time too.
Here are a few goals I have this year:
- Finish my book
- Rewrite my book and work with alpha and beta readers to get it the best it can be
- Look to get my book published
- Continue to grow my email database further
- Nail down my niche, particularly on Instagtram and continue to work on being creative with my content
- Look into and go on a Photoshop course
- We have committed to big rennovation plans in 2022 which I am excited about.
- Redecorate our lounge and dining room
- Redecorate our hall and stairs
- Have a new front garden put it
- Get rid of the pond in our garden and replace with a water feature and patio
- Finally make it to Center Parcs which has been moved for two years
- Continue to grow my Pinterest and have a monthly plan for improving SEO
- Continue to work on my personal style and confidence
- After my back issue is resolved work with a clinical pilates instructor to grow my core strength
- Make more time for me and self-care and enjoy some days out in the summer with Bo before he starts school
What are your goals for 2022?
You achieved so much in 2021 and have some fab goals for the next year! Good luck on hitting them all