CHILDREN’S BOOK REVIEW: She Persisted Around the World

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CHILDREN'S BOOK REVIEW She Persisted Around the World - Aria with book

She Persisted Around the World by Chelsea Clinton

Illustrated by Alexandra Boiger
18 Pages
Children’s Non Fiction
Philomel Books
Age range: 4-8 years

I really cannot begin to describe what a wonderful book this is. As a mother of both a son and a daughter and a feminist I think it’s really important to get the message across about women’s rights and equal opportunities. I have not heard of this book or its predecessor She Persisted, and I didn’t even realise the book has been written by Chelsea Clinton until after we had finished reading it.  But actually none of that matters as it’s such a fab book in its own right.

CHILDREN'S BOOK REVIEW She Persisted Around the World

The book is written for children and tells the story of 13 amazing women around the world and the things they did that changed the world. From Marie Curie to Joanne Rowling. For example did you know the Joanne Rowling was asked to publish the Harry Potter books under the name JK Rowling as it sounded more male and the publishers didn’t believe that boys would by a book written by a woman? This was something that really interested my children because at present we’re reading The Philosopher’s Stone together.

CHILDREN'S BOOK REVIEW She Persisted Around the World - Logan with the book

The book is targeted at children aged 4-6, but I would say it was more suited to my son’s age who is 6, than my daughter who will be 4 next month. Don’t get me wrong she was interested, but some of the book I do believe went over her head. Even with my son we had to stop and explain some of the elements of the book. We talked about what a Nobel Prize was, what indigenous meant and what voting is. But this isn’t really a complaint as I think it is a great thing to stop and talk and explain about these things.

CHILDREN'S BOOK REVIEW She Persisted Around the World - Aria reading

I loved how this book explained in a gentle way the issues that women face across the world and how these amazing women persisted and overcome the obstacles in their way. I personally found the details about Malala Yousafzai really moving, perhaps because we were talking about the achievements of an 11 year old girl, perhaps because I am pregnant and hormonal, but these stories were amazing. These women were/are amazing and I think they are so powerful and important to teach our children about them.


If it’s not clear from the review so far, I genuinely loved this book. I think every child should read and I think as parents raising both boys and girls, we should teach them about these great women and the issues women face around the world. Amazing, humbling stories and also a great talking point for children too.

Rating: 5/5

Buy the book on Amazon

*Disclosure: We were sent this book for the purpose of this review, however, all opinions are my own. 

6 thoughts on “CHILDREN’S BOOK REVIEW: She Persisted Around the World”

  1. This book is amazing. Seems quite related to the one I reviewed, inspiring girls to become who they want to be in life, to fight harder and dream bigger ❤️



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