My Top 5 Books of 2018

*Please note this post contains affiliate linksWhat I've Read and Watched in March 2018

My Top 5 Books of 2018

I have to completely admit to stealing this blog post idea from Jocelyn at The Reading Residence, after reading hers. When I first planned to write it, I thought oh I read over 30 books last year (lower than usual but I did have a baby), this will be easy. But, what I had forgotten was of those books a lot of them have been a series. For example I have read 1 to 9 in Ilona Andrews’ Kate Daniels series and 1 to 10 in Jennifer Estep’s Elemental Assassin series – so that takes up 19 of the books I have read and if the books didn’t get a minimum of 4 stars, then it’s not a favourite is it? But I have managed to find five fantastic books that I would definitely recommend that you read, particularly if you are a supernatural fan like me. In no particular order…

Burn Bright (Alpha and Omega #5) – Patricia Briggs

Burn Bright

I love Patricia Briggs’ writing, she writes great female characters, just great characters overall really, combined with fab action scenes and a fast moving story. When I first started this series I wasn’t sure if I was going to like Anna and she is a more gentle female lead than you usually see in urban fantasy books, but she has her own steel. This series has got better as it’s progressed.

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A Discovery of Witches (All Souls Trilogy #1) – Deborah Harkness

Magic Binds

I have been meaning to read this book for a while now, but I will be honest and say the sheer size of it has put me off a little. But after watching the TV series which did feel like bits were missing, I decided to pick it up and give it a go. I’m so glad I did, I have just finished book three and I really enjoyed it. The books are a little slow going at times, particularly the middle book, but bear with it because they’re worth it.

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Magic Binds (Kate Daniels #9) – Ilona Andrews

Magic Binds

I re-read the entire of the Kate Daniels series last year in preparation for the release of the last book in the series. It is without a doubt one of my favourite supernatural fantasy series. I love the world-building in, the complex relationship Kate has with her partner and the sword scenes steal the show. It ends of a cliff-hanger and book number ten is next on my reading list. If you love urban fantasy, I highly recommend you read this series.

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Widow’s Web (Elemental Assassin #7) – Jennifer Estep

Estep’s Elemental Assassin series is a new to me series which I started last year and I ended up reading books 1 through to 10. There are more to read, I just fancied a bit of a change of scenery after that. I have chosen book number 7 because it was my favourite of the series, and I suspect where perhaps it was originally meant to finish. It is the ultimate showdown this the villain of the series that had been building for 7 books and it doesn’t fail to deliver.

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Trust – Kylie Scott


Anything by Kylie Scott is now on my automatic buy-list. Her Stage Dive series is brilliant. This isn’t my favourite of hers, but it’s still good and is based around our two lead characters who meet during an armed robbery and bond as they come to terms with what happened during it.

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4 thoughts on “My Top 5 Books of 2018”

  1. Ooh thanks for the recommendations! I am trying to read a little more this year so it’s always good to have some tips. I haven’t read any of these so I’l definitely put them on my list.


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