I have decided to write a weekly diary of our time through the Coronavirus pandemic. To keep for the future. It’s such an unprecedented time and full of so many mixed feelings and events we have never encountered before it is hard to process it all.
28th May
Lockdown birthday for me. I’m going to write more about this in a second post , but my big takeaway is how thoughtful everyone has been. People sending gifts, turning up on my doorstep for a socially distanced catch up. Video calls and video messages.
Birthday aside, today was also the day that Boris announced the relaxation of lockdown measures from next Monday. With socially distanced group meeting to a maximum of 6 allowed in parks or private gardens. But not inside. Also the opening of non-essential shops from the 15th June too. I’m not sure how I feel about all of this, not sure if it’s too soon based on the current infection levels. I know how nice it would be to see my parents though.
The problem is really that I don’t trust our government and the Dominic Cummings saga has only compounded this. My suspicion is that things are being done for political and not scientific reasons. I feel this is about schools too and also have concerns about the classroom setup and the mental health impact it may have on children.
29th May
We’ve all got a long weekend booked off to try and get a load of projects finished in the garden. We were meant to be in Center Parcs this weekend, so my husband just had to jig his holiday around a bit. We might as well get the garden looking nice as I think it’s going to be the place we visit the most this summer. The weather is really warm and hot but looking forward to how it’s all going to look when it’s finished.
1st June
It’s been an absolutely exhausting weekend but so much has been done in the garden and it looks great. We’ve built and painted a summer house and decorated it with solar lights. Painted the fence. Cleared all the waste in the garden into a skip. As well as assembled a potting shed. This Friday the builder is due to come to fix our carport roof and build a new patio.
Today as my husband has had the day off (he worked last bank holiday weekend), I have let the children off school work. We’ll be able to catch up pretty easily I’m sure. They have loved playing and helping us in the garden.
2nd June
Today is our wedding anniversary. No meals out for us, but it is what it is. I don’t think I can let today pass without mentioning what is going on in America. The murder of George Lloyd by the police. The riots, the understandable fury at the murder and subsequent attempt at cover up that highlights the ingrained racism that exists in their police force. I worry what it means for the spread of the pandemic over there too. I don’t condone the violence, but what we’re seeing is people frustrated at their treatment and the consequence of a very poor president.
Here I keep hoping after all the photos we have seen on the beach and the relaxation of lockdown that we won’t see a second spike. I so terribly miss normal life, seeing my family and my friends. Doing normal things like going to the park, which still aren’t open even though schools are. Chatting to friends while our children play, or going to the library. I’ve started wearing a face mask when I go into shops now too and it’s not a nice thing to wear, but I feel like it’s the right thing to do. I am hoping next week we see more positive news, but for now I have another birthday to plan for as it’s Bo’s on Thursday.