The Coronavirus Diaries – 9th June 2020

I have decided to write a weekly diary of our time through the Coronavirus pandemic. To keep for the future. It’s such an unprecedented time and full of so many mixed feelings and events we have never encountered before it is hard to process it all.

The Coronavirus Diaries - 9th June 2020

8th June

I haven’t written anything on any other days this week. It’s been a very tumultuous week, lots of change lots of politics and very well deserved anger and protests. But, as a consequence the world feels quite a negative place at the moment. It’s even harder when we’re in so much isolation at home from the outside world and the news and social media are your main outlets. I’ve definitely started to have to try to break away again from the online world when it all feels like too much.

This week has seen some schools return mainly for nursery and reception (it doesn’t happen until today in our school). If we hadn’t opted out of sending Aria back she could go back on next Monday the 15th. Children are sent back in bubbles of 15 and only get to see these children and assigned teachers. They also have desks set 2m apart, designated areas in the playground and multiple hand washing stations. Friends whose children have gone back have said they have had good days. I hated the set up when I saw the videos but it really does go to show how adaptable children are.

I still think it’s the right decision to keep Aria home, I have a suspicion watching the news and how schools are coping that other years will not be back before September now. So if I have one child home, I might as well have both really.

I have however decided to confirm Bo’s name for pre-school in September. The pre-school has a forest school so they will be utilising a lot of outdoor space which will help. But with his brother and sister returning then I think he will need the interaction and activity desperately. I am also conscious that he hasn’t interacted with a child of his own age for months now.

We did celebrate Bo’s birthday last week. It was quite a sedate affair, we are becoming experts at lockdown birthdays and it’s my husband’s in a couple of weeks too. He had a lovely day and was delighted with his cake and presents. His brother and sister joined in with his video Jo Jingles class which he loved and we played in the garden and had video calls with his grandparents.

The Black Lives Matter protests dominated the news this weekend. It’s such an important issue and one that hasn’t been spoken about enough. It’s got real power and momentum behind it and I hope that we can see real change. For too long it’s been accepted and not challenged. I worry about the impact the protests may have on the pandemic. I think a lot of people are, but I actually can see why now in the moment. It also says a lot for how people feel if they are willing to go out despite the risks. As for the statue in Bristol, I think it’s pretty outrageous a statue of a man responsible for the death of 19,000 people wasn’t taken down sooner.

9th June

Today it has been announced, despite earlier government remarks, all primary school children will not be going back before September. At the earliest now. I didn’t want my children to go back any earlier, so I am happy with this decision. But, it has only occurred to me today that we have the same amount of time to go as has already past now, which feels like a very long time. Of course the summer holidays takes up a large part of that.

As much as I think it’s right that schools aren’t opening, it doesn’t mean that it is not hard. Today I got to lunch time and I had only managed to write a paragraph of my own work. Yesterday was a similar story. The juggle is intense and I would love just to have an hour on my own. Or to have a morning to try and get the house straight. But I suspect that may be in a long time in coming.

Yesterday, Wales also announced they are planning to keep their 5 mile travel rule in place until at least the end of July, if not for the whole of summer. We have a holiday home booked for the last two weeks of August, I had been cautiously optimistic that we might be able to go. Now I’m not so sure. From what I understand holiday makers may still be able to go but only travel 5 miles from their property. But as our property is quite remote and 13 miles from the nearest supermarket and 9 miles from the nearest town for a takeaway I’m not really sure what this will mean and if it’s feasible really. I still have everything crossed as it would just be so nice to get away for a little while I guess we will have to see.

Lots of rain predicted in this next week which I am not looking forward to, but our garden patio is being built hopefully tomorrow which I am really looking forward to.

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