Standing Out of The Crowd: How To Be Unique With Style

*Collaborative Feature

Standing Out of The Crowd: How To Be Unique With Style

You always loved clothes and people have always told you that you have great style. You would love to work in the fashion industry, but you know you are not the only one who would like to break into that business. There are probably hundreds of thousands of aspiring fashion designers out there. There are a few ways to stand out in a crowd when it comes to fashion.

Start with Basic Blacks

Before you begin distinguishing yourself, you should know that there are a few wardrobe essentials that you should have in your closet. You will want to store a pair of plain black pumps that will go with everything as well as a small black purse. You will also want to have a little black dress. You can wear the dress multiple times and change the look of it by adding belts, jewellery, and other accessories. It’s a good idea to keep a black blazer in your closet. You can use it for job interviews or add a contradictory element to a more casual outfit.

Buy a Few Pieces of Stand Out Jewelry

Gone are the over the top days of the 1980s where women would wear multiple bangles and baubles in order to dress up their outfits. Too much jewelry never did anyone any good. Getting a piece of jewelry to stand out, can make all the difference in your fashion statement.

You can pick a very tacky looking plastic necklace or a very expensive bracelet to be the centerpiece of your outfit. It is best not to wear any other jewelry and to use a solid-colored outfit as the backdrop. You should also take good care of the jewellery you choose for example, by using a watch cleaning kit or ultrasonic jewellery cleaner to keep it sparkling.

Make Your Casual Outfits Special

Just because it is casual Friday at your office doesn’t mean you should throw on an old sweatshirt and call it a day. You can wear a perfect fighting pair of jeans with a pretty peasant blouse and jewellery. You can also design your own t-shirt online and wear it. Sites like this one: offer tools that let you create, the perfect tee shirt, mask, or pair of socks.

If you really want to become known for your style and taste. Social media can help. If you use Instagram correctly, you can have an impact on the fashion trend of the future.

Start a Vlog

Fashion vlogs and blogs are very popular and they are a great way to establish yourself as a fashion expert. Be sure to put your videos online once a week at a specific time. You can do reviews or you can interview aspiring fashion stylists. Successful bloggers get all kinds of free clothes to wear on the air.

It is a good idea to keep the videos fairly short accessible to people who might not know that much about fashion. You may want to incorporate a few makeup tutorials into your video series. Make-up tutorials are amongst the most-watched on YouTube. 

If you start a blog instead of a vlog, remember to include a lot of pictures and keep the language simple. Try to make sure that the photographs are original. If you get a model or two to pose for a shoot that was done just for your site, it will give your block a professional look and may catch the attention of people who work in the fashion industry.

Clothes are more than just something to protect you from the elements. If you take a little extra time when you get dressed in the morning, you will turn heads on your way to work.

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