Weigh, Lose or Stay #20

Weigh, Lose or Stay

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Week Nineteen

I wasn’t expecting anything great this week, I was kind of hoping that I would stay the same though. It hasn’t been a great diet week, which has not been helped that I have been really struggling with sleep deprivation. For about 5 nights this week I have averaged 3, max 4 hours with a poorly and teething baby and I have felt quite like the walking dead. So inevitably it wasn’t the best dieting week either.

I also didn’t manage to do any exercise at all 🙁 . I ended up putting on 1.25lbs. After being a bit annoyed when I stepped on the scales, as I am writing this now I have decided I am ok with this. 1 lb is just a lb and I know I can easily turn this around. Given the circumstances I think it actually could have been a lot worse. I am drawing a line, praying for more sleep and also going to make sure I do some more exercise this week too.


Diet following: Cambridge Weight Plan (read more here)

Weight lost this week: +1.25lbs

Number of weeks on the diet: 18 (with a week off and I am not including my holiday weeks)

Weight loss in total: -31.5lbs / 14.3kg


This week:

Bust: -0cm

Waist: -0cm

Hips: -0cm

Arms:  -0cm

Legs: -0cm

Total loss this week: -0cm

Total lost so far: -51cm


My goals are:

  1. Three stone – treat myself to a new pair of jeans.
  2. My non scales goal is to get my wedding rings and eternity ring all on one finger. I’ve got two of them on, I just need to fit the third.

Linky Rules

I must stress this is open to anyone, you do not have to join in the Linky if you just want to share your weight loss or maintenance stats in the comments, this is totally fine. But if you want to link up that is also fab.

This is a feature that everyone can join in with (including my own clients!). Not every body is on a diet, but they do like to keep an eye on their weight for maintenance purposes. So this is a weekly weigh-in whether you want to lose weight or stay the same.

The more the merrier please join in. It doesn’t matter what diet you are following, dieting is hard whatever route you take this is just about supporting one another.

  • Grab the Weigh, Lose or Stay badge and pop it in your post
  • You can link up any weight-loss or fitness and maintenance related blog posts each week
  • Use the #weighloseorstay hashtag on Twitter and Instagram
  • Share the love – try and read & comment on 3 other blogs listed on the Linky
  • Tweet me (@laurasummers) with your Link up and & I will retweet it to my followers
  • Linky will be open every Tuesday for one week

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Weigh, Lose or Stay - Laura's Lovely Blog
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12 thoughts on “Weigh, Lose or Stay #20”

  1. we all have our off weeks and a teething baby certainly doesn’t help as I know when I’m tired I don’t feel like cooking etc. you’ve got a great attitude towards it though, hope you get more sleep this week xx

  2. Ooh Laura! I can’t stand the zombie no sleep feeling- and I know exactly what it’s like! You’ve done well not to gain a lot more. I’ve had a rubbish month and gained a little bit but in the grand scheme of things it’s not that bad! Your doing great to be honest and i’m enjoying reading your progress. For now I am doing a monthly weigh in but as of nov, I hope to write about my weight loss more often- and this is the perfect linky!

    Angela xx

  3. It is a tiny gain in the face of the week’s stresses and all the weight you have already lost. With so little sleep it is hard to think about anything other than getting through the day with two small (adorable but exhausting) children. New week now and hopefully a bit more sleep, but until your next weigh in just get out your phone and look at the pictures before you started losing. The change is fantastic. And even with your (temporary) extra pound you are still more than halfway to your goal.
    I too gained a pound this week, with no poorly babies to look after. My club leader assures me that it is because of increased jogging, and that I will soon have a dramatic drop. Fingers crossed and sticking to the plan ????


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